Xkko medium wet bag - red poppies
Xkko medium wet bag - dreamy sheeps

XKKO Medium Wet Bag

€11,90 EUR /
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Xkko handy, medium wet bags can be used in so many different ways - and they're not just for cloth nappy users!

  • Size: 30 x 45 cm. Designed to fit 6 cloth nappies
  • Zip fastening
  • The handle lets you hang the wet bag easily on doors and hooks
  • The bag's polyurethane coating makes it waterproof
  • Material: 100% polyester (with polyurethane coating)
  • Care instructions: Wash up to 60°C

Wet bags or nappy storage bags aren't just a great investment for families who use cloth nappies on their little one(s), they can be used in so many different ways by everyone... For example:

  • to store damp swimming things and towels after a swim
  • to keep your things dry at the pool or beach (one wet bag to keep your phone and purse dry, and another to store wet things)
  • to keep your shower things in when you're travelling (if your shampoo leaks, the wet bag will keep everything else in your suitcase safe and dry)
  • for dirty clothes at nursery or on holiday
  • as a handy place to keep your reusable wipes, so you can wash your little one's hands and face on the go, and... well, we could go on and on...

For those who use cloth nappies on their little ones, wet bags are great because air can circulate in a closed wet bag. Which means that the smell can't build up as much inside. And as for any smells that can't be avoided... well, those are kept firmly within the wet bag itself, so you don't have to worry about any unpleasant stinks when you're on the go!


Über Xkko

Bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 bietet Xkko weiche Stoffwindeln aus natürlichen Materialien an. Das tschechische Unternehmen ist bekannt für die Alte Zeiten Mullwindeln aus Biobaumwolle, die Mullwindel mit dem größten Flächengewicht auf dem Markt. Daneben gibt es aber noch einige andere innovative und umweltfreundliche Produkte, wie weiche Muslins aus Bambus, Handtücher, Lätzchen, Prefolds und vieles mehr. Wir lieben die Xkko Produkte dank ihrer super Qualität, hohen Innovationskraft und Ökologie.

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