Mit dem schönen Lätzchen von Elskbar mit einzigartiger Auffangfunktion macht das Essen Freude! Wasser- und schmutzabweisend sowie einfach zu reinigen.
Explorer Bib can be used in two different ways:
- If your child usually sits on a highchair with a tray table, you can use the included elastic band to hold the bib firmly under the tray. It helps prevent food from falling between the table and your baby. You can adjust the length of the elastic using the snaps, depending on how big the tray is.
- If your child usually sits at the family table, you can snap up the bib using the buttons under the sleeves and create a pocket.
Explorer bib can thus be adapted as needed and used on a high chair table or at the table with the rest of the family. It is easy and flexible, so you can enjoy meals without the hassle of cleaning afterward.
NOTE. The elastic band can be used for tables measuring a maximum of 51 cm in width.
Size: Height of belly piece 39 cm
Material: 100% polyester with TPU (thermoplastic laminate)
Care instructions:
- Wash before first use.
- Wipe off after Use.
- If you need to wash it, it is machine washable up to 60°C with powder or tablet detergents. Do not use liquid detergents, fabric softener, chlorine bleach or laundry sanitiser
- Unsnap the elastic before washing if it is still clean. This extends the life of the elastic.
- Do not tumble dry, and do not dry or air the cover on radiators or heaters! It dries very quickly.
- Made in a small factory in China, with a focus on good working conditions and absolutely no child labour