Eco Mini's beautiful luxe wet bags are lined with complimentary color PUL for a stylish finish. Perfect for storing your stash of clean sanitary pads, toiletries and more. The uses are endless and a snap-on strap makes it easy to hang the bag on your stroller, towel rack etc.
Wet bags or nappy storage bags aren't just a great investment for families who use cloth nappies on their little one(s), they can be used in so many different ways by everyone... For example:
- to store damp swimming things and towels after a swim
- to keep your things dry at the pool or beach (one wet bag to keep your phone and purse dry, and another to store wet things)
- to keep your shower things in when you're travelling (if your shampoo leaks, the wet bag will keep everything else in your suitcase safe and dry)
- for dirty clothes at nursery or on holiday
- as a handy place to keep your reusable wipes, so you can wash your little one's hands and face on the go, and... well, we could go on and on...
For those who use cloth nappies on their little ones, wet bags are great because air can circulate in a closed wet bag. Which means that the smell can't build up as much inside. And as for any smells that can't be avoided... well, those are kept firmly within the wet bag itself, so you don't have to worry about any unpleasant stinks when you're on the go!
About Eco Mini
A little company with a big heart! Das ist Eco Mini!
Nicci gründete Eco Mini 2020 mit dem Ziel Stoffwindeln, und andere waschbare Alternativen zu Wegwerfprodukten, in die Supermärkte und Drogerien zu bringen. Make cloth maintstream.... Wir sind beeindruckt von Niccis Produkten, denn sie sind durchdacht, mit viel Sorgfalt und Herzblut kreirt, von hoher Qualität, wunderschön designed und wohl am aller wichtigsten: einfach in der Handhabung. Damit Stoffwindeln und Co. wieder "Normal" werden, ist es Nicci wichtig, dass ihre Produkte auch Neulinge überzeugen. Und das tun sie! Habt viel Freude beim Entdecken dieser wundervollen Marke aus Schweden.