Marley's Monsters
10 Artikel
Marley’s Monsters makes handmade, beautifully designed, sustainable alternatives to everyday disposable products. Find their washable kitchen roll, wipes, napkins, bowl covers, kitchen sponges and more in our shop!

Neon Kactus
3 Artikel
Das stilvolle Neon Kactus Sortiment an nachhaltigen Bechern und Flaschen für unterwegs, hergestellt aus umweltfreundlichen Materialien, ließ die Erfahrungen von Coffeeshop-Mitarbeitern mit einfließen.

1 Artikel
OIOIOOI’s beautiful, minimalist toys and books are ethically made from sustainable materials, and their designs encourage children to express their creativity, while also developing their literacy and numeracy skills.

22 Artikel
ökoNORM's unique collection is full of joyful, colourful, natural craft products. With chalk, crayons, modelling clay, finger paints, glue and much more, it's time for children and adults alike to start getting creative!

Organic Zoo
3 Artikel
Made from 100% organic cotton, Organic Zoo's cool baby- & kidswear is produced entirely in Europe. Gender neutral & non-seasonal, this playful British brand injects a unique mix of minimalism & fun into all of its clothes!

Poco Nido
2 Artikel
Poco Nido's award-winning, hand-printed mini shoes are adored by parents for their simple, functional, comfortable design... as well as their quirky, fun-filled patterns. With suede non-slip soles for little explorers!